2013. május 12., vasárnap

3rd part

A long but fantastic day <3

~Lauren's perspective~

In the morning I feel sick because of the exam, but Emily says she’s as nervous as I am, so maybe I can calm a bit. After having breakfast we go to the university. We have to wait a little, because there are other groups who are showing their presentation to the teacher, but after a half an hour Mr Smith opens the door and invites us into the class.
 - So, Emily and Lauren Davies… - he sits back to the table - show me what you’ve got - and we start our presentation, and everything forms perfectly! We can remember everything we learnt, and after the presentation we write the test of our exam, which is quite easy for me. Once I looked at Emy, and I could see that she knew everything too. I think we can pass it.
We walk towards our car talking, when suddenly Emily says:
- Yaaaaaaaaaaaay, there’s El next to our car! - she points to our girlfriend.
We run to El, and hug her tightly.
 - Giiirls, I’m so happy to see you! - she hugs us back - let’s go to the Starbucks, and tell me how your exam was! - she sits into the car. While I was driving, I and Emily are speaking at the same time, how we did our exam.
When we come into the café, we ask our drinks swiftly - all of us drink frappucino -, and the we sit down.
 - So, you think you can pass it - El summarizes.
 - Yeah, but now it’s more important that we could do it - I say, and Emy agrees with me.
 - Now, girls, I want to give you something… - El starts, seeking in her bag - yes, this is it! - she puts down two… oh my god.
 - VIP-TICKETS FOR A ONE DIRECTION CONCERT??? - Emy asks loudly and disbelief. Eleanor nods.
 - Yaaaaaaaaay, El, I just can’t believe it! - I hug my beautiful friend thightly - it’s… it’s… oh my God!!!
 - I knew you’d like it - she smiles - but Emy, are you OK?
 - I think I’ve got a heart attack - sis says, but after her shock she hugs us too - thank you El, it’s so kind of you, and it really means us a lot!
 - Yes, I thought so - she gulps of her drink - the concert will be next Friday, and we go there by bus, if it’s not problem - she says.
 - No, of course, not! - we reply at the same time with Emy.
 - OK, so we get there by bus, but Louis said they would take you home by car.
 - Ahhhw, they’re sooo cuuuute - Emy smiles.
 - But it means we will meet them? - I ask El, and she nods - erhm… I don’t know what to say… I’m shocked - I blushes.
 - You’re blushing! - El says, and then she hugs me again.
We have a relly great afternoon with El. After we say goodbye, we go home, where we’re shocked, because our front door is open.
 - Emy, did you close our door by key? - I ask with fear of Death.
 - Yes! - sis answers hysterically, and she rushes into our house. I go after her, but we find the sitting room empty. I look around fastly to find what was stolen, and Emily does the same in the kitchen. But nothing was gone - our money for the bills? - she asks, so I come into my bedroom.
 - Look around in the bathroom and you room, ’kay? - I tell her, and I look after the box of our money. But even a penny wasn’t gone. And then I hear Emily sreaming from her bedroom - Siiiis! - I shout, and rush into her room. She’s rolling on the floor laughing with… Jade!
- Yaaaaaaaaaaaay, Laureen! - Jade stands up, and hugs me. I’m still standing in the room shocking.
- Jade, what are you doing here? - I hug her back. Emily sits the edge of her bed.
- I thought I’d surprise you - Jade smiles, after she sits next to sis.
- And you broke into our house?
- You know that I’m able to get in everywhere - she laughs.
 And then I realise. Jade is here with us!
- Oh my, we missed you so much! - I hug her tightly, and we almost fall down. Emily hugs our too, and she asks:
- And, what shall we do?
- If you don’t mind, I’d like to be here with you in you at home. I don’t really want to go out now, I’d rather do it at night.
- No, it’s OK! - I say - my advise is a DVD-marathon with three films and popcorn, as in the old times - I smile at her.
- I’m in! - she nods, and while Emy is making the popcorn, I and Jade are choosing the films, then we sit down the couch. We’re laughing a lot while we’re watching the film, but most of the time not at the scenes, we laugh at the common programs of ours in the past. We talk about the schoolyears, the summers, everything… We really missed Jade, she’s our third part.
Our filmmarathon ends at 7.30p.m., so we start to prepare for the night.
 - Girls, I thought we could go to the Funky Buddha in London - Jade suggests.
 - OK - I answer while I’m doing my make-up.
After one and a half an hour we are in the club,
and I and Emy follow our BF towards a table, where a team is sitting. But not a no-name group… The…
Little Mix! Oh my God!
 - Jade, are you seious? - Emily asks her.
 - Hey, girls! - Perrie smiles at us - Jade said that you had passed your exams today. How was it going?
 - It was fine - I nod - I think we can pass it, but now it matters that we are over it.
 - Girls, sit down, that’s why I asked such a big table that all of us can sit down - Jade says, so I sit next to Perrie, Emily sits next to Leigh-Anne, who notices sis’ luck barcelet.
 - So nice! Who did you get from? - Leigh-Anne asks smiling.
 - From our mom, before the graduation in high school. Lauren has the same - my sister looks at me, and I show the barcelet too.
 - How cuuuuute - Perrie and Jesy say at the same time.
 - And how’s Zayn? - Emy asks the blonde girl.
 - He’s fine, but not at home. You know… he’s on his tour - she replies sadly - but I won’t mess up our night. Let’s partyyyyy! - she shouts.
 - Yeeeeeeeeeeeeah! - all of us reply and laugh, so some of the other guests in the club turn to our table.
While we’re talking - everybody to everyone - a waiter is bringing our drinks. An ice tea for me, and a cola for Emy (what else… my caffein-maniacJ). The girls talks about their last concert, their music video which will be published soon, and they say that Jade has talked a lot about us.
 - Yaaaaay, really? - I ask looking at my singer BF, who just smiles back at me.
 - Yes, we feel like we’ve know you too for ages. She talked about the class-trips, the performances with Emy, and she told us what you had been doing in some P.E. lesson - oh, yeah. The legendary P.E. lessons. Immagine three girls, who after running aerodrome circuit start to dance, and then lie on the grass to sunbath, while they’re trying to get above each other with their craziness. And the teacher never says anything, because I was in the basketball team of the school, and Jade and Emily were quite good at P.E., so she loved us.
- Awww! I really missed those - said Emy.
- I do too - Jade said then she gave us a hug while Jesy takes a picture of us from the opposite side of where we were sitting.
- Hey! - they yelled but she just smiled and said show me the pic anyways everyone started laughing when they heard her. That's when "Kiss you from One Direction" came on and they can't listen to it without dancing, so with Emy we got up and started to dance draging our friends along with us. We sang at the top of our lungs just as loud as we could sing, we jumped to beat and when the music was playing we danced the fish.
We couldn't have had a better day. After the song I went up to Emy and gave her a hug, which she returned then one by on the rest of the girls join us first Jade, then Jesy, Leigh-Anne and Perrie.
Then we let go of each other and Perrie lets out a cream then turns around.
Zayn was standing behind us.
- Oh my god! - she said then gave him a hug. In that second Zayn returns the hug then gives her hair a kiss. He looks over his girlfriend's shoulder and indicates to go outside the club and talk. The second we get out Perrie asks:
- Zayn what are you doing here? You should be in America - she says while wipping her tears away.
- I took a couple of days off to see you - he grabbed Perries hand and put it on his shoulder to make her give him a hug.
- Hey what about us? - Leigh-Anne asked as Zayn chuckled to himself and gave a hug to each girl. When looked at us he smiled and he said:
- We haven't met yet.
- No we haven't. I'm Lauren Davies and this is my little sister Emily
- Well you too are the fameous. Lauren and Emy it is nice to meet you - he said as he gave them each a hug - You two are Jade's best friends from High school right?
- Oh my God Zayn knows...! - she started to say but finished just as I elbowed her side - umm yes. We are.
- I see - he said while laughing.
- So whats up Zayn? How is America? - Jade asked.
- It was pretty good. We were at the X-factor for a rehearsal, we also had an interview, then we went and played some soccer. Next week we are comming home than we are going to have a couple of concerts here - Zayn explained.
- Oh we know -we will keep it in mind, then Zayn turned to us and asked.
- Do you two have tickets for any concerts? - asked Zayn.
- We sure do - Emy said excitedly and they are VIP so remember our faces.
- Okay then stand together I want to take a picture of you. So we put our arms around each other and when Zayn takes the picture the girls hug each other even tighter and I go a kiss from Jade and Leigh-Anne and Emy got one from Perrie and Jexy on both sides.
- Awww - se said at once and Zayn laughed and I asked:
- What?
- Nothing you guys are just cute - he said and showed us the picture.
- Send it to me! - says Emy who sends it to me right away.
- OMG look at the time! - I said as I saw what time it was - It is 1:15 am, I'm sorry we have to go we have training tomorrow and we have to get ready.
- Noooo. I don't want to go - said Emy.
- Little sister we have to, we will look like corpses if we don't go now - I explained.
- Do you need a ride? - Perrie asked.
- No thank you we have one.
- But aren't you guys tired? You shouldn't drive when you are tired - Jade said - I'll drive you guys, anyways I slept until noon and I'm not tired.
- But only if it isn't a problem - said Emily.
- Are you serious?
- she said and gave my sister a noogie and gave her a kiss on her forehead.
Jade drove us home with Leigh-Anne and Jesy, so Perrie and Zayn could be alone together a little bit, when we got home we said our goodbyes.
- So girls we'll talk soon and arrange another time to meet - Perrie said as she gave her a hug.
- Yes definetly we were so happy to meet you - said Jesy who was just giving a kiss on Emy's cheek.
- And we hope that tomorrow you won't be useless during training. - Leigh-Anne smiled warmly and Jade stepped toward us too.
- I missed you guys so much already because this isn't skype - she hugged us even closer to herself.
When we let go of each other all of us are teary and say:
- And we will meet soon - smiled Zayn and he said goodbye with a kiss on each cheek.
- Okay soon - I smiled - bye!
We stepped inside and took our shoes of and after Emy finished with the bathroom I look myself up in there. While I'm showering I think of our day today it was really long but ... I would live through it again anytime. :)

2013. március 15., péntek

2nd part

We're gonna stick together...
                                                          ~Emily's perspective~

I love Wednesdays! Well, not just because these days we have dance-lesson... but we don't have any lessons at the university, so Lauren and I usually just relax. But one week later we're doing our exams, so I get up at 8 a.m. and scramble eggs for Lauren 
- I bake some pancakes for myself, I don't really like eggs - and I get her up with the breakfast.
- Oh my god, it smells so good - she sits up and takes the plate off my hands. I sit down her bed and after we have our breakfast, change our pyjamas to some comfortable clothes and start to prepare our exams.

- So, I'll learn the economic geography and cultures of Ireland, and you'll learn its history and interests - I divide the themes - and tomorrow we're gonna learn about the Nando's. 

- Okay - Lauren smiles and take the tasks her hand. I start to learn too. After one and half an hour I feel like my brain will explose soon, so I go into the kitchen to drink some coke to wake up.

- Oh, do you mind my asking you to bring me a glass of coke? - my sis asks me.

- Of course not! - I answered and fill her glass too - going strong? - I ask. My sister just breathes a sigh and take her glass off my hand.

- My brain is full of Ireland - she sips from her coke - shall we recite?

- Yepp.
 After we recite the tasks to each other, we decide to go to London to have some fun. We change our clothes (Lauren gets into a white drainpipe trousers and a red shirt with a pair of Vans shoes in the same colour, and I get into a denim tube-trousers and a white T-shirt with red design on it, whit a blue cardigan and a pair of Converse shoes),  and go to the capital city by Lauren's car. We spend the time in our favourite mall, we shop and buy some new clothes, and then we sit down in the Starbucks, when Lauren's phone rings.

- Hey El! - she answers - today? Uhm... okay, but we have dance-lesson today... okay, we meet there. Bye, love you.

- So, what's up? - I ask. 

- We're going to the cinema with El tonight - she smiles.

- Yay, good! - I start to smile too - finally, a night with the girls.

We get the dancestudio in time, and Dani greets us smiling. After Lauren and I change our clothes to the dance-lesson and our bandmates arrive too, Dani start to speak:
- Okay guys, so as I told you last time, we'd got a fantastic opportunity. But before I tell you where we're gonna perform, let's dance! - she starts the music ~You're a troublemaker You're a troublemaker... You ain't nothing but a troublemaker girl~ and have us repeat the coreography over and over again cruelly. Half an hour later Dani tell us where our places will be while we dance (Lauren and I stand in the first line, yay!), and when she's satisfied with our performance, she let us to have rest. We all fall down exhausted and lie outsretched on the ground.

- Emy - Lauren says -, can you tell Eleanor that I love her? - she ask, in allusion to her weariness.
- We'll see - I rub my face - if I survive this, I will.
- Okay, if you're able to live again - Dani claps -, I tell you where we're gonna show - everybody sits up and listens to our dancing-teacher - in this famous TV-show we can work with the most promising talents- she says.
- Oh my god, I'm so excited! - Lauren whispers.
- And this show is... - Dani increases tensions - the X-Factor! - she says finally, and everybody goes mad.
- Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! - Lauren hugs me and we fall down laughing. Our bandmates are jumping, clapping and the boys are shouting out loud... completely chaos.
After everybody go out to the ballroom, Lauren and I talk to Danielle.
- Girls, you're standing in the first line - she winkes - I count on you.
- Oh my god, I can't believe it! - I say, trying not to cry, so sis hugs me.
- And now? - Dani asks - go home to learn for the exams?
- No, go to the cinema with El - Lauren answers.
- Wanna come? - I ask Danielle who says yes happily.
- yeeah - we say - wait for us at the car.
- Okay - she smiles.
After the  dance-lesson we changed our clothes, got into Lauren's car and went back to Manchester.  We listened to the hits radio on the way and when we heard "One way or another" by 1D,  just started to sing and dance. The part of Lilo (Louis and Liam) Dani hugged us from behind and she moved her head in the same way as the boys in the vevo. She's absolutely crazy and it's cool. We couldn't stop laughing, especially because Dani still told us some funny stories and jokes. Arriving to the Manchester Cinemas we went inside quickly and in few minutes after we've already noticed Eleanor. 

- Hello girls! - El says.
- Hi El! - we also greeted her.
- You all look so good!
- Thanks babe, you too!
- So what are we going to see? - Dani asks. 
- I already know - El  winks at us - Louis gave advice for me, he said " If you wanna laugh you have to watch "This is 40" because that's really funny and you won't be bored, I promise! So guys, what do you think? Can we believe in his words..?! - she smiles.
- Ohh, I'm sure in! - Dani says - We'll love it.
- No need to question.. we're gonna watch it!! - Lauren says and everyone smiled.
- Right! I'm going to buy the tickets. 
When I finished at the cash desk, the girls had bought popcorn and soft drinks, then we went to the room 5 where has played This is 40. That was incredibly good. We couldn't stop laughing during the whole story. At the and we left the room and just talked about the movie.
- Hey girls I'm sorry but I must change the subject cause I'm hungry - Lauren says.
- Aww honey you are so adorable - Dani say with me at the same time.
- Just like Niall! - El says and hugged my sister. 
- Ohh thank you ladies for the nice words - Lauren laughs - So I thought that we'd go to KFC, which is next to the cinema!
- Good idea Lauren, I'm in! - I say.
- Me and Dani, too! 
- yaaaay, let's go! - Sis smiles .
- Girls I forgot to say Liam will come for me at 7 p.m and now it's 6:50 - Dani says sadly
- Hey tell him to come with us! It's gonna be so fantastic, I think so - Eleanor suggests.
- Aww yes please call him! - Lauren looks at her like small child.
- OK! I call him - She takes her phone in her hands with a lovely smile on her face. 15 minutes later we've been sitting in our box at KFC  eating our food and waiting for Liam who's arrived soon. 
- Hi girls! - he says.
- Hi Liam, how are you? - Eleanor asks.
- Fine thanks and what about you?
- Nothing special! All is okay - she smile.
- Sure! And you guys? - he waved me and Lauren- They're Emily and Lauren from Manchester. They dance in my school and these two girls are the most talented dancer in the group!! - Danielle tells. We just smile and a quiet 'awww' can leave our mouth.
- Wow!! - Liam says - Nice to meet you Lauren and Emily.
- Nice to meet you - we say at the same time again and he sat next to his girlfriend. We talked about ourselves and our passions. The mood was amazing and our box was the loudest but we didn't care. 
- Emy, Lau you're so nice girls and I have to say you should get to know the others because I suppose we could do so much good things together. 
- Ohh how I wish.. - Lauren sings and everyone smile.
- Liam you should know that it'd be the most beautiful time in our life if we could spend some time with you. 
- I know and I promise it'll come true - he winks - come here I wanna hug you - he said and we hugged him. Eleanor took a cute picture of us and she shared that on twitter. 
- Honey we have to go - says Dani to Liam - it's 8:30 and you know we should go to supermarket.
- Hahah, it's true - he answers - Girls I'm really glad to met you and hopefully se ya soon!
- I think we had a great few hours, I loved it - I say.
- Yes, it was cool. Love you all - Dani says. We still hugged each other one more time and they went away. 
Three of us have stayed for a while yet, then went to the car and took Eleanor home. She was so cute as he started to sing .
- "If you don't wanna take it slow, and you just wanna TAKE ME HOME.." 
- Give it up for miss Calder!! - Lauren shouts.
- Baby say yeah yeah yeah, yeah yeah yeah.. - I continued - thumbs up!! 
All three of us just laughed. About 8 minutes later we arrived El's home, we got out.
-  Thanks you brought me home, we had a brilliant evening I enjoyed it so much. 
- We too and we should do more such great programs together! - I explain.
- You're right - El nods - but now hurry up to college! 6 days left till exam so you have to learn! 
- OK! We're going..  :)
- Don't forget my surprise - she winks.
- Awww can't wait - Lauren says with a smile on her face.
- Love you sweeties and call me whenever!
- Okay, love you too. Bye 
- Bye.
Arriving our flat, we showered, put on our pyjamas and talked about this fantastic day and then we learnd our presentation for a short time... We've lying in the bed and just checked  twitter and facebook to see what happend today, then we were asleep..

2013. március 9., szombat

1st part

A normal day ...
                                                    ~Lauren's perspective~

It's Monday, 11:30 a.m, which means we have one more lesson and we're free. Although it's weird but we don't hate Monday... We left about 3 minutes to get there in the classroom, which is on the 3rd floor. As usually, we've been sitting in our seat and waiting Mr Smith, who's the coolest teacher in the University, by the way. 

- Sorry for my being late! - Mr Smith close the door behind himself - I was waiting for you downstairs, but nobody came... then I said to myself "Smith, you're in wrong place... AGAIN". - he say and the reaction is laud laughing from the class.
I think it's not a big surprise that we like this man... 
Nobody couldn't stop laughing while he talked but finally he wawed us.
- So ladies and gentleman, don't take things so seriously!! I've always preferred the sense of humor. Now I want you to do a special task at home. I'd like to get to know the cultures of different countries in Europe. You can also choose one in pairs and then to give in here, because I've decided this will be the main part of your exam, which is really approaching!! Let's start the selection! Here are Scotland, Ireland and Wales.. in the first lap.
- Ireland, me and Emily! - I jumped up out of my seat
- Right. Girls now I feel it'll be great.
- Yaaay , give me a five! - Emily says 
- Wait, Mr Smith, can we put our personal things into the presentation or it must be about just the culture and history? I think of well-known celebrities, possibly stories.
- Wow Lauren, what a great idea! I like it .. but I bet it'll be about that boy.. member of the famous boyband, is it? - pulled up his eyebrows

I can only blink and just a quiet 'yes' can leave mouth. The others just smile at me and then continue the lesson any longer. At the end we're running out of the room, quickly put on our coats and hurry, because we're going to have lunch with Eleanor. The weather is amazing. The sun is shining and the wind is blowing pleasantly. In 20 minutes we arrived in the restaurant, where we noticed El while she's wawing to us.
- Hi girls! I was waiting for you and ordered drinks for you too - she's smiling.
- Great, thanks! - I love the way you smile. You're so beautiful.
- Ohh, darlings you both are so wonderful, just like my sisters.
- We love you!
- I love you too!
A few minutes after we ordered our favorite food and the waitress came back with chicken salad about 10 minutes later. The mood is great so we feel good, like always.
- And when will you do your exam? - El asks.
- Next week! - answers Emily sighing.
- And if you pass it, I'll have an amazing surprise for you - she claps.
- Oh, really? - Emy looks at her like a 5-year-old child.
- We will pass it! - and I hug my sister.

- Right! - El nods.

After lunch El took us home, and we talked over a shopping and going to the cinema, and then she went home. My iPhone rings in 30 seconds after "Send my kiss to Dani!" - Eleanor says
- Okay, I promis I'll give.
- I miss you - Emy shouts
- Aww, I already miss you too sweeties, but hurry, cause you'll be late! Kiss xx
As El suggested us, we got home swiftly, changed our clothes, then got into my car and went

to London to our dance-lesson. There wasn't any problem with the traffic, so we got there quickly. Danielle has already been waiting for us.
- Hy, girls! Nice to see you again! - she said.
- Hello, we're glad to see you too - we hugged her, and soon our bandmates arrived too. Dani and her stylist brought the clothes for our next show. We just love her style! It's so cool, but besides so pretty... it's just perfect!
We tried on the clothes and decided which assemblinng was the best. 
-Okay guys, I'm glad you're happy and enthusiastic, but we have to start the rehearsal! - Dani stood up, and we followed her into the ballroom. Dani started the music Daan'd & formaniacs - smells like shake it and she sang "Hey guys shake it shake it" She was so cute. We danced the coreography as far as we learnt it, and then she turned around.- So guys, the last dance-steps are these... - and she showed us the steps normal tempo, counting loudly - that's all. OK? Now we're learning it more slowly - she turned to face the mirror. 
Although we stood behind her, she could see everybody in the ballroom in this way too - let's start it. Five, six, seven, eight...We learnt the new steps in no time, and when we danced the whole coreography without any mistakes, Dani was so proud of us! And the dance is so cool too! It will look well if we wear the clothes which we chose for this dance. When the song ended, Emily and I hugged each other and our some dancemates standing near us 
- Guys, you're fantastic! I'm so proud of you, I love working with you! - Dani clapped us with a smile on her face - in our next lesson I'm going to tell you where we will show up soon, because we got an amazing opportunity! But you're getting know this the day after tomorrow - she winked at us and the five boy bandmates of ours shouted "c'mon!" - sorry guys, but I like keeping you waiting - Dani laughed. After the lesson we exchanged a few words with Dani, and she said us that Emy and I would dance in the first line! We could hardly believe it! We've never stood in the first line, it's always the place of the best dancers... now, this is our time!We conveid El's greetings to Dani, then we hugged her and went home. 
Arriving our flat, we changed our clothes to the red sweaters which we had got from the university and while we were eating cookies and drinking hot chocolate, we were doing our presentation about Ireland. It was around 12 p.m. when we finished it, but it was totally worth it! Now we just have to learn it for the exam next week. The presentation is about everything of Ireland; its history and economic geography, celebrations aod traditions, some legends of the leprechauns, the Nando's restaurant chain...and, of course, my platonic love, who Emy calls just "the Charming Prince"... Niall Horan...

... Oh, how I wish I could meet him just once in my life!

2013. március 6., szerda


Lauren and Emily Davis, two ordinary sisters live in the UK. The older of them, Lauren is 20, 5’7” tall and she’s very cool and funny, but sometimes very sensitive. At that time, when Lauren is upset, there’s her 19-year-old sister who is always there for her. She’s just 5’6” tall and more relaxed than her sister, but she’s very self-confident.
They study filology in the University of Manchester and they live together in the college.  An old friend of theirs, Eleanor Calder has been studying in this university for two years and the sisters spend a lot of time with her, so they have a close friendship.
Lauren's and Emily's common passion is dancing, and they go to the London’s CoolKidz Dance Off dance-school where Danielle Peazer is their teacher.
They’re inspired by two bands, One Direction and Little Mix, because these two bands proved that if you want to be successful, you have to change your life, otherwise it’s impossible. The girls have a close friendship with Jade Thirlwall, one of the member of the Little Mix. She was their classmate in the high school, but as her band became famous, she had to give up her studies. But they still keep in touch by phone and skype!